Our First Update!
Hi everyone! Wow, the reception to DashCon 2 online has been insane. We are so incredibly grateful for the support! We know that there haven’t been a ton of updates in these past few weeks, but we promise that we’ve been planning a bunch behind the scenes. We’re going to be going over a lot of information here that we covered in our newletter, along with some more behind the scene details.
If you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter, please consider doing so! We’ll be putting out monthly summaries of important updates, alongside regular short posts here on our blog and these longer summaries.
Frankly, a lot of the stuff we’ve been working on is pretty boring. We’ve been working a lot on budgeting and logistics, what you’d expect from a con that’s still pretty early on in development. We also haven’t wanted to rush announcing anything just to have something to put out; we don’t want to make promises that we can’t keep. We have more in the works, we promise, but we’ve been taking time to make sure that we’re laying a strong foundation for all future plans.
To be completely honest, we originally planned on publically announcing our plans in mid-September, which has definitely impacted our publication schedule. When we learned of Strange Aeons’ DashCon video we realized that it would be a great time to reach out to her and go public with our plans. We were also concerned if we went public after her video it would be assumed that this was a cash grab hoping to ride the hype from her video. Because of this, we’ve had far less to announce than we would’ve necessarily liked. However, we’re now at the stage where we’ll have a more consistent update schedule going forward.
To start, we have received a lot of questions about our team and experience. The DashCon 2 team is a mishmash of people in and around the convention world. For specifics you can consult our About Us page, but as a collective we have people who have worked professionally as event/programming coordinators, volunteered at conventions/festivals/renaissance fairs, and of course we’ve all been attending conventions as guests for over a decade.
If you’re interested in potentially joining our team, we’ve now opened up volunteer applications for people interested in helping organize DashCon Two. Please fill out this form or email us at volunteer@dashcontwo.com, and we’ll be in touch soon!
Our team is also working hard to connect with other people in the con scene, especially in our local area. We’d like to give a big thanks to Jenn from Dangerous Ladies for consulting with us and shouting us out on Twitter. Please check her out on Twitter @dangerousladies! If you’ve been involved in con organization and wouldn’t mind having a quick chat with us, we’d love to hear your two cents! Please contact us through this form or email us at volunteer@dashcontwo.com.
Unfortunately, we don’t have a specific venue confirmed yet. We’ve been in contact with a variety of venues available around our preferred date, but we’re still negotiating the details. We cannot confirm anything until the paperwork has been signed, but know that no matter what, we will be paying for our venue in advance.
Because of some new venue updates (that we can’t talk about yet), the date of our event may be subject to change, but will remain within the month of July.
The team is thrilled by the excitement so many Canadian artists have for vending at DashCon 2. Vendor applications are not open yet because we haven’t yet signed for the venue. Once the venue is confirmed we’ll be able to finalize our numbers, including attendee expectations and price
Thanks for reading!
The DashCon 2 Team