Convention Policies
To make sure that DashCon 2 remains a safe, accessible, and family friendly event, all attendees will be expected to have read and agreed to our code of conduct and convention policies.
If you witness a violation of our policies, please report the inccident to a volunteer, email helpdesk@dashcontwo.com or use the form at the bottom of this page. Violations by any individual (attendees, guests, volunteers, security, or staff) should be reported as soon as possible. We take all reports very seriously, regardless of who is involved. You can report harassment even if you are not the directly involved, and no retaliation for filing a report will be tolerated.
Please note that this page will soon be updated to include more details on our ballpit policies. Attendees, guests, and volunteers will be expected to have read and understand these updated policies
Your badge is the property of the DashCon 2 Convention, and must be surrendered if admission is revoked. You may be asked by a member of the DashCon 2 team to show your badge at any point during the convention, and you will be asked to leave if you cannot present one. Stolen or lost badges will not be replaced.
Children 13 years and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Parents and Guardians will be held liable for the behaviour of children in their care.
By Accepting their Badge the wearer agrees to abide by all convention policies of the DashCon 2 Convention.
Venue Policy
While anime-related things are welcome at DashCon Two, and the venue has previously been host to anime conventions, the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre is an important community centre for Japanese-Canadians in Toronto. The shrines, artwork, and other items of cultural significance present at the venue are very important to Toronto’s Japanese community and are not fun anime toys. Their presence and importance should be respected.
Anti-Japanese racism is a very real thing. Anyone found to be disrespecting the venue or Japanese culture is violating our anti-racism policy and will be removed from the convention.
In general, we ask that everyone be respectful of other cultures; particularly those they do not belong to.
Additional Venue rules include, but are not limited to:
- Seating is first come, first served
- No food, drinks or alcohol allowed in function rooms
- No recording without prior permission of Media Department in panel, workshop or special events rooms.
- No flash photography permitted during stage performances.
- Pets are not allowed inside without prior permission. Service animals are welcome everywhere as required by Ontario law.
- If you post signs or flyers in unauthorized places, you will be held responsible for paying any cleanup costs imposed by the venue.
- Helium-filled balloons are not permitted inside.
- Smoking (tobacco or cannabis) and vaping (with or without nicotine) are not allowed in the convention space, parking lot, or near entrances and exits.
Attendees must also comply with all Japanese Canadian Cultural Center policies. Please visit jccc.on.ca/about/policies for more information.
Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated at DashCon 2. This policy applies to all attendees, guests, volunteers, security, and staff.
Harassment is generally defined as unwanted behavior that creates an intimidating, offensive, and/or hostile environment for the person being targeted. It can be physical or psychological. If someone tells you that your comments or behavior are unwelcome, you need to stop immediately. If that person tells you to leave them alone, you need to cease contact. It doesn’t matter if you don’t think your behavior was harassing; harassment is defined by the victim.
Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to:
- Making comments about a person’s appearance, sexual and/or vulgar statements, offensive jokes, or anything disparaging a person’s gender, race, religion, sexuality, identity, et cetera.
- Bulling and discrimination.
- Whistling, catcalling, and any kind of non-consensual flirting or sexual advances.
- Following someone or impeding their path.
- Attending a person’s panels solely to heckle them.
- Photographing or recording someone without their permission.
- Exposing oneself or miming sexual acts.
- Bathroom policing (harassing someone because of the bathroom they feel most comfortable using).
- Touching someone without their permission.
- Repeated texting, phone calls, or emails, after being told to stop.
- Any persistent action that creates a hostile environment for the person or persons being targeted – harassment is when a person is feeling harassed, period.
- Items solicitatitating contact(such as free hug signs), Yaoi Paddles, Yuri Paddles and similar items are not to be carried in public.
If a person is in cosplay, that does not give you consent to photograph or touch them without their permission. Remember that underneath the costume and make-up is a real person; they are not the character they are portraying and you do not have the right to treat them as you would the fictional character.
Excessively loud noises/music and disruptive behavior is prohibited unless noted otherwise. Please refrain from screaming, blasting music, or using noisemakers such as vuvuzelas and air horns, especially in hallways.
This harrasment policy is based off of the template provided by the Cosplayer Survivor Support Network. For more resources and information about harrasment at conventions, please visit their website.
COVID-19 Policy
DashCon 2 will be following Ontario provincial government guidelines. We will not be checking vaccine status of attendees, but we strongly recommend wearing a mask at the convention.
While DashCon 2 is happy to invite cosplayer to attend our convention, all cosplays must conform to the following rules. Cosplayers may be asked to change, or to leave the convention if they do not comply with these policies. Cosplays may not violate any of our other policies (ex: our harrasment policy) or those of the Japanese Canadian Cultural Center (JCCC).
All attendees, whether in costume or street clothes must have opaque fabric covering the areas of the body that would be covered by a standard swimsuit (ie: swim shorts or a bikini).
- DashCon 2 and the JCCC reserve the right to prohibit any cosplay deemed lewd, offensive, or obscene.
- Cosplays should not imitate or closely resemble first responders (police, EMTs, paramedics, firefighters, etc) or military personnel
- Cosplays must not impede the flow of traffic within the convention building at any point
- Cosplays displaying hate speech or pornographic imagery are strictly prohibited
- Persons in cosplays large enough to restrict movement or that obscure vision should have a designated support person to assist with moving through crowds, staircases/elevators, and hallways. If a support person is not present, the cosplay significantly impedes traffic, or endagers other guests, attendees may be asked to remove parts of their cosplay.
Weapons and Large Props
All weapons or large props MUST be checked and authorized by the Weapons Check. Upon approval, the weapon(s) will be marked accordingly. DashCon 2 and the convention centre reserve the right to refuse any weapon or prop deemed dangerous or offensive
- A maximum of one weapon or large prop may be registered by any attendee
- Bonded weapons/props must remain with the attendee that registered them at all times
- Weapons that fail to meet the safety criteria of the weapons check must be immeditately and discretely returned to storage (ie: your car or hotel), and will not be allowed into the convention
- Live firearms, weapons prohibited by Canadian law, replicas of contemporary firearms, projectile weapons, props made of metal and yaoi paddles are all banned.
- Any replica weapons must be obviously fake (ex: Have a bright orange barrel tip)
- Due and full consideration must be given to physical safety and peace of mind of other persons at all times, this includes the general public and venue staff, not just other convention attendees.
- Pulbic Safety and convention staff members reserve the right to inspect weapons and badge markings at any time. Any signs of tampering will be referred to the Weapons Check for confirmation of authenticity.
The decision of the Weapons Check and convention staff members are final and will be strictly enforced to ensure a safe environment for all convention attendees.
By attending DashCon 2, be aware that you, and any names or logos of your company, group, or other organization (i.e. team, club, etc.) may appear in photographs taken by Media, DashCon 2 Staff or Industry personnel and those photographs may be used for marketing or promotions.
Any photographer wanting posed or casual pictures of individual attendees must ask permission first. Photography and recording of guests in convention space for public posting is not permitted except with prior permission of guests, or the DashCon 2 team. Please just be considerate and ask before taking pictures of guests, con staff, other attendees or the general public. Photography or recording with the purpose of mocking, shaming, or otherwise harassing attendees, staff, or the Japanese Candian Cultural Center, is forbidden, and will result in admission being revoked.
Photographers may not set up lights, backdrops or other equipment in convention space.
Photography is discouraged in the dealer’s hall as not to impede foot traffic or cause crowding. Photography of original artwork or merchandise is forbidden without explicit permission from the artist.
Recording in panel rooms is not permitted without prior written permission from the convention and the panelists, presenters, and performers involved.
Inccident Report Form
By submitting this form you attest that the the information contained within is truthful and accurate to the best of your knowledge